6 Signs It’s Time To Sell Your House in Sacramento

How do you know when it is the right time to sell your house in Sacramento? The decision to sell shouldn’t be taken lightly. In this post, we offer 6 signs to help you feel confident in your decision.  Determining the right time to sell your house in Sacramento is a big decision. You don’t … Continued

How We Buy Houses Sacramento Is Helping Homeowners in Sacramento While Improving the Communities Nearby

Professional investors understand the risks involved in taking on the problems of homeowners. If you have had even the slightest experience in real estate, you have heard the phrase “location, location, location” as the primary requirement of making a good real estate investment. The location has a powerful influence on the long-term value of the … Continued

Having Trouble Paying Your Mortgage During COVID? What 2021 May Look Like For You in Sacramento

Having trouble paying your mortgage during COVID? It’s estimated that 400,000 homeowners who qualified for government-backed mortgage forbearance programs did not take advantage of the benefits and are already behind on their mortgages. As the new year approaches, the moratorium on government-backed mortgages ends. Nationally, an average of 1 in 10 homeowners are behind on … Continued

4 Ways Selling Your House Now in Sacramento Will Save You Money

Sellers, trying to decide whether to hire an agent or go it alone? This may be the biggest decision of your life. Selling to a professional buyer is an alternative that could save you thousands! Traditional listings leave you facing an unknown end date while taking all the legal risk and paying for all the … Continued

Why Won’t My House Sell In Sacramento?

You’re trying to sell a Sacramento CA house that just won’t sell? And yet – the news says the real estate market is heating up. The media is practically shouting again about multiple offers, high demand, and record-setting prices. So where’s your contract? These tips could be just what you need to help you sell your Sacramento … Continued

Foreclosure notice of default in CA– what is it?

If you’ve gotten a foreclosure notice of default and want to know what the heck is going on, keep reading. Basically, a foreclosure notice of default is a document that has to be filed by a lender to start the process of foreclosure. The foreclosure notice of default must be sent to anyone who has … Continued